The Weaver’s Thread Ministries is a healing ministry for the heart and soul based on healing found through the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) and through the obedience of following the WORD of Yahweh (The Lord), His Instructions, and His Scriptures. Many today are searching for a way to improve their quality of life. How do I become a better ME? How do I have a better relationship with others? How do I have a closer relationship with Yahweh and Yeshua (Jesus)? Out of this desire to help those who are seeking to improve relationships in their lives, The Weaver’s Thread Ministries was born.
Relationships are a huge part of everyday life and there are many types of relationships: spouses, children, family, friends, co-workers and all those that we come in contact with on a daily basis; and the most important one is our relationship with Abba, our Heavenly Father. The Weaver’s Thread Ministries’ purpose and goal is to provide the tools, guidance and support necessary to enhance one’s ability to strengthen and improve relationships with those around them which ultimately draws them into a closer relationship with Yahweh.
Note: The Weaver’s Thread Ministries’ writings will use the Hebrew names for Lord, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
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