The teachings provided by The Weaver’s Thread Ministries begins a journey which opens the doors to the heart and soul; doors that may have been closed for too long and allowed darkness of the soul and disease of the heart to grow, bringing unhappiness and stealing joy. As each individual is able to unlock memories that have been forgotten, preventing healing in the past, they are able to release their pain, anguish and fears.
— Healing Begins —
A new understanding with different perspectives from which to view life brings about awareness of Yahweh's' (The Lord) desires for everyone.
The workshops and seminars presented by The Weaver’s Thread are interactive in that all attendees are encouraged but not required to share their life experiences, their witness and their faith. These teachings lead participants through a process of awareness and growth resulting in a renewed relationship with Abba, the Heavenly Father and Yeshua (Jesus).
Note: The Weaver’s Thread Ministries’ writings will use the Hebrew names for Lord, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
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